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The celebrity secret to even, glowing, skin!

This light-based treatment targets sun damage and small surface veins to reveal a brighter and more youthful complexion.

A Photo Facial is an intense pulsed light treatment that effectively treats men and women to remove brown spots and sun damage from your face, chest, arms, hands, and back. Uneven skin tone and signs of sun damage can be reversed in as little as 1-2 treatments, leaving you with youthful, even-toned skin.

What is Intense Pulsed Light?

IPL stands for intense pulsed light. It is a light-based treatment used to diminish the appearance of brown spots, freckles, birthmarks, redness, and rosacea. IPL is most effective on white (untanned) skin with blotchy, sun-damaged, or discolored areas.

Sketch of a woman with flowing long hair and wearing a hat

How Intense Pulsed Light Works

A broad spectrum of light is transmitted with the IPL handpiece.

The light penetrates the tissue and is absorbed by either the blood when treating vascular lesions or the melanin when treating pigment. The body will naturally remove the treated tissue giving the skin an evener tone and texture, and a more youthful appearance.

Close up woman's face looking off to her right

Candidates for Intense Pulsed Light Treatment

People with naturally dark or tanned skin are not good candidates for IPL as there is a risk of hyper or hypo pigmenting the treatment area. Pregnant women and those on Accutane are also not candidates for IPL treatments.

Take the first step to becoming the best version of yourself.

3734 West Chester Pike, Newtown Square, PA 19073

In our office, you will be treated like a part of our family. It’s a relaxing, pressure-free haven where you can feel comfortable to ask all of your questions. We think you’ll sense immediately that we care as much about your safety and your beautiful results as you do. Contact us today for a consultation, and find out why Dr. Subbio has earned a reputation as one of the most trusted and skilled plastic surgeons in Philadelphia.

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